Free Gaming WordPress Theme has more options to offer like – pagination option, straightforward menu option, custom page templates with various inner page templates, background picture option, convertible home page, enabling/disabling a section for all sections, left sidebar and right sidebar, favicon, logo, the site title and tagline customization, full-width template, editor style and footer widgets, footer editing options, etc. You can set up an online store with the help of WooCommerce store. Add a blog page to your website and post about latest games, news and much more to keep your visitors engaged to the site. Sticky posts and comment threads will let your visitors comment and provide reviews to your items. You can use the available Featured Product Images, HD Images and Video display to make your site engaging. It comes with full documentation. You can import content with just one-click with demo content import option. For more advance personalization options, you can promote to the premium version anytime. We provide 24*7 support to our premium customers. You can contact our dedicated support team if you run into any problem.
Well Documented
Fluid Layout, Responsive
Bootstrap 3 +, Gutenberg and Classical Editor, Popular WordPress Plugins
Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, IE Edge
WordPress 4.7 or higher, PHP 5.5 or higher
Free Gaming WordPress Theme
Free Gaming WordPress Theme
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Free Gaming WordPress Theme is ideal for all kinds of gaming and game listing websites. Its design is professional, sophisticated and stylish to attract visitors on your site. This fully customizable theme offers numerous options for customization and personalization. The codes used are well optimized, clean and secure. You can link all your social media pages with available social media widgets. As the design is fully responsive, it looks stunning on all devices screen sizes, be it desktop, mobile or tabs. You can add custom codes like CSS/JS or shortcodes to add more functionality to your website. Customizer API is used for using theme options. It has full assistance for WooCommerce, so you can set up a gaming store easily. Your users can translate it into any language they want and it also supports RTL layout.
Theme Features
- Accessibility Ready
- Translation Ready Themes
- Highly Customizable
- Mobile Friendly
- Super Fast
- Cleanly Coded
- Global Color Option
- Expert Support
- Retina Ready Display
- WooCommerce Compatible
Free Wordpress Themes